Why Academic Strategies
Through mastery of these “executive functioning” skills, students gain the confidence needed to write their own success story. Students identify areas that could benefit from improvement, and a unique method of direct instruction to teach dozens of skills and behaviors allows for more efficient learning, and overall success in life, both personally and professionally for students.
Grades 9-12 Coaching
They will need to adapt to the expectations of many different teachers at once, juggling a variety of coursework, and keeping track of project due dates and tests that often fall on the same day.
Although some teens have the innate ability to manage all of these competing conflicts at once, it is an immense struggle for others, especially amid the distractions of phones, computers, and social activities.
Developmentally, parents often see their high school students insist on managing their academics independently, but struggles often follow if these young students lack the skills necessary for success.
By 12th grade, executive function skills are needed for a smooth transition to college, where heightened school demands compete with new freedoms and extracurriculars. The time to identify and develop mastery of these essential skills is now. While some students seem to develop these skills seamlessly, countless others struggle to handle the new responsibilities that lie before them. These students can learn to excel academically and master executive functioning skills with a level of direct 1:1 instruction and support that is often unavailable in most high schools.
College Academic Coaching
Even for the most well-adjusted and efficient students, college often presents a unique and different challenge that may expose weaknesses in executive functioning skills that were not problematic during the high school years. It is quite normal for college-age students to struggle as they learn to independently manage themselves and their schedules, in an unfamiliar and brand-new environment. Because college provides less structure, yet more independence, weaknesses in executive function skills often become more apparent during the college years.
Often for the first time, college students find themselves on their own, with lack of structured accountability and parent support. To succeed, they must proactively make a plan and take the proper initiative to stay on track. Parents are faced with a dilemma as they wonder how to provide support without hindering their student’s independence and self-confidence. Meanwhile, parents also worry about jeopardizing their investment in tuition if their students cannot handle the required academic coursework that will keep them on track for graduation.
The Coaching Session